Well, what I saw of this show had too much hop and not nearly enough hip.
Hi babes! I'm back after a long hiatus. How are you? Did you miss me? Have you finally come to your senses and decided to ask for my hand in marriage?!! I accept!
Well, some things have happened since you were last graced with my presence. I finished teaching (if that's what you'd like to call it) my "Winter Camp", took a rather awful trip to Seoul for mandatory, additional training, experienced lunar new year with my co-teacher and her in-laws, wasted my vacation vainly under mounds of homework, and am looking forward to what, I'm sure, is a stimulating, heartwarming, and action packed Monday back at school.
Sarcasm doesn't quite translate in print.
But I am, (this Saturday night, under a mound of seemingly endless, awful Algebraic homework) mourning the all-too-quick passage of my vacation. And what exactly have we accomplished?
Well, we have cleaned up the apartment, and bought some new work clothes, which I'm not finished with yet--cuz everyone here is so tiny. Fitting "The Ass" (TM) into this little pencil skirt just didn't work.
I *am* looking forward to seeing the kiddies, in that I have this cool craft project I want to do with them, and employing the old "board of education". I have some aggression to work through. English, shminglish. I wonder if they remember any of the things I've attempted to teach them. I myself am trying to forget!
N ext big personal events on the horizon are signing up for the Korean Language Proficiency Test, The unfortunate birthday of yours truly, and a visit to Japan, baby! There's nothing like having something to look forward to. I need help preparing for this test though; have mercy!
Hopefully this semester, I will have less students in class---students who really *want* to be there, hopefully, and not just because Mom says so. I'm trying to not stress out about it, but it can't be helped.
But boys and girls, what I *really* want is to be an organized, fun, un self-absorbed, (buahahaa), interesting individual that gets things, a lot of things done. Ah, the power to *do* is priceless. That, my friends, is a taller order than even you may realize. I have yet to accomplish this in all my 26+ years, and it ain't for lack of trying.
Anyway, I have to continue on with my busywork for a while longer before I get too sleepy. I will update again soon. I've got a lot to talk about. Who else is here to speak to?